Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 28
- Tuesday, March 4
- Thursday, March 6
The PTO helps raise much needed funds for Briarmeadow Charter School to help pay for field trips, facility upgrades, academic programs, and updated technology. Schools across America are underfunded and shrinking school budgets directly affect student well-being and academic success.
We depend on every family's participation in our three annual fundraisers to make Briarmeadow Charter School the best it can be.
Bronco Fund
The Bronco Fund pays for International Baccalaureate (IB) annual fees, IB re-evaluation fees, IB teacher professional development, field trips, and specialty classroom supplies to supplement the basic supplies provided by the school. We ask each family to contribute $105 per student to the Bronco Fund by August 30, 2024. This can be paid for one in one payment of $105 or 3 installments of $35 each per Bronco Fund! The 2nd and 3rd installment will automatically be drafted on the 15th of the next two months with a reminder email sent out 1 day before your monthly charge.
You can contribute through the button below or under My Account > My Forms/Paperwork > New Forms > Bronco Fund.
Fall Fundraiser
Our Fall fundraiser is selling popcorn.
Our Goal: Families with 1 student sell $100 of popcorn, families with 2+ students sell $200 of popcorn, and families who do not sell popcorn complete the buy-out option instead.
Spring Fundraiser
Our Spring Fundraiser is a Bronco Fun Run with Boosterthon. Boosterthon fun run fundraiser is a multi-day event aiming to bring fitness and character to schools while also raising money
Our Goal: Families with 1 student get $60 in pledges, families with 2+ students get $120 in pledges, and families who do not get pledges complete the buy-out option instead.
How else can I help support BCS?
- Buy the Birthday Package and get your student's name in the front yard
- Attend Family Night Out
- Shop at certain local and national retailers. See Affinity Programs for more detail on how to sign up.
- Buy spirit gear
- Participate in our annual book fair