Upcoming Events
- Friday, September 13
- Saturday, September 14
- Tuesday, September 17
- Wednesday, September 25
What is the PTO and who can be members?
Our PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is made up of hard-working parents/guardians and staff who pool their talents to provide support for our school. The PTO leaders include elected officers, committee chairpersons, and school representatives working together with our wonderful school staff and volunteers. As a parent/guardian of a student at Briarmeadow Charter or as a staff member, you are automatically a PTO member! No dues are required to participate.
What does it mean to be a member?
That depends on you! We invite you to become a participant in your student’s education by being an active participant in the PTO. The level of involvement is up to you! Whether your involvement is serving as an officer, chairing or participating on a committee, volunteering at events or in the classroom, supporting fundraisers, reading with your child at night, or visiting to eat lunch with your children, you play an essential role at our school.
Why should I be a participating member?
"When schools, families and communities work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer and like school more." That’s one finding of a January 2003 report from the National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
Other research shows that it pays to get involved. Participation through volunteering allows you to be "hands-on" with your child’s education. Our children love to see us in this environment where they spend so many hours a day. You get to know school staff, your children’s teachers, and your children’s friends.
What happens at the PTO meetings and when are they?
Each meeting follows a specific agenda, which typically includes reports from the PTO president and treasurer, the Principal, and committees. If there are decisions that require board member approval, the board of directors vote on them during the meeting. Time is also allotted for discussion of new ideas and questions. Meetings are held in the school cafeteria at 6 PM usually on the first Tuesday of each month during the school year. Please check the calendar for dates. All parents, guardians, and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend!
What are the benefits of attending PTO meetings?
Participation through attendance at PTO meetings gives you a voice. You can provide valuable input that will help decide what we do as a group. You have the knowledge that, with your participation and involvement, the educational and social experiences of all students at Briarmeadow Charter have been enhanced. If you are new to the BCS family, the established families are available to answer questions and ease your transition. An added bonus is that you have the opportunity to meet wonderful people who can become great friends.
PTO Programs & Fundraising
Our primary objective is to provide our school with funds, programs, resources, and services that will enrich and maximize the education of every child and benefit the school. To meet this important objective, we fundraise. Here are just a few of the programs that we sponsor and/or support:
🍎 Staff Appreciation - We love our teachers and staff and make sure they know it throughout the year.
🚌 Field Trips - We provide every student the opportunity to attend field trips free of charge.
👕 Spirit Wear - We sell Bronco t-shirts to foster school spirit.
📚 Book Fair - We host an annual book fair to promote literacy and support our school and classroom libraries.
🍧 Special Events - We host events to bring families on campus including Pastries with Pals, Grandparents Day, Fall Festival, Thankful Picnic, and Spring Picnic.
💻 School Improvement Projects - We fund big-ticket items like classroom technology, water refill stations, and playground improvements.
There are several ways you can support our school with the money you already spend! Check out our Fundraising Affinity Programs page for more information.
Become a Volunteer
We are an important source of volunteers for the school and would love your help in whatever way you can serve – no contribution is too small! PTO is a team effort in which we cannot succeed on our own. Visit the Volunteer page to see how you can get plugged in! Parent/Guardian involvement is encouraged and appreciated.
Please join us and help make this school year a great one!