Fall Fundraiser Popcorn Sale
Participation in the Fall and Spring Fundraisers is FREE and easy! You can help our school without opening your wallet!
When you buy Double Good's award-winning, ultra-premium popcorn, 50% of your purchase goes to supporting our cause and you receive a delicious reward!
Give Good, Get Good.
That’s Double Good.
The Fall Fundraiser helps to support field trips, school and classroom technology, campus improvements and other expenses that are not in the school's HISD budget. We depend on every family's full participation in fundraising to make Briarmeadow the best it can be!
Our Fall Fundraiser popcorn sale spans 4 days from noon Tuesday, November 14 until noon Saturday, November 18. We need your participation so we can pay those field trip bills! π Buses are expensive.
π± Create your Pop-Up Store now, so you're ready to sell November 14:
Step 1: Download the Double Good app (Apple or Android)
Step 2: Enter your info and our event code JMZDEG
Step 3: Enter your student/s as the Display Name & create your Pop-Up Store
Step 4: Starting November 14 at noon - Share your link!
Take 2 minutes now and create your Pop-Up Store. Our popcorn sale is all online and popcorn ships directly to your supporters. All you need is your phone! Read our Popcorn Q&A here. Get customized graphics here.
Our Goal:
πΏ Family with 1 Student - sell $100+ of popcorn ($50 in proceeds to BCS)
πΏπΏ Family with 2+ Students - sell $200+ of popcorn ($100 in proceeds to BCS)
Families who do not wish to participate in the sale may choose the buyout option (online buyout form available here or under My Account > My Forms/Paperwork or printable form available here to complete and return to the PTO Mailbox at the Front Desk with your cash buyout).